What is the first thing you do to prep for the new season?
Do you clean your clubs and grips? Do you empty every pocket? Do you buy a new glove or continue to use that crusty old thing from last year?
Of course, we need to shine up our clubs, and organize the bag with tees, shiny new balls, soft new gloves, head covers, umbrellas, rain jacket, new batteries in the range finder, and our favorite ball markers & divot tools and a pretty gadget pouch, etc.
Think about it…the amount of items we actually carry in our bag is a VERY long list, and worth a good chunk of money. Unless you’ve lost your clubs before, you’ve probably never given much thought to the real value in your golf bag.
What would happen if your bag got stolen? Would you really be able to remember everything you have in your bag? Would you be able to verify the contents if required by an insurance claim?
Do yourself a huge favour, now is the time to make a list of everything you’ve got in your bag while you are restocking it. Download our Inventory Checklist, and take several photos of all your gear. Sign and date your list and leave it anywhere but in your bag. Hopefully you won’t need it, but you’ll be oh so grateful if you do.
FORE the love of your friends, please share this list with them!